5 Tips for Reading a Client’s Body Language During an Interview

Apr 18, 2017 10:02:32 AM

Learn more on how understanding body language can create a smoother client interview process.

Fluency in other languages always benefits a lawyer’s practice, but fluency in body language is essential. No matter what a client is telling you–or not saying–their body language can speak volumes. These tips help you know whether to change direction during a meeting, or if you’re on the right track:

1. Mirroring Expressions:

If your client mirrors your body language, that’s a big plus. That unconscious mirroring means they like what they’re hearing.

2. Crossed Arms:

Crossed arms are the classic defensive body posture, placing a literal physical barrier between you and the client. Or maybe the defensiveness isn’t directed to you–it could be towards the entire idea of estate planning. The move is also a sign of insecurity. If you see arms folded, ask the client about specific concerns, because it’s a good bet that the person has a few of them.

3. Feet Don’t Lie:

Unless you’re obsessed with shoes, a client’s feet are probably the least likely part of their body you’d observe. That’s a mistake–people may consciously control their facial expression, but their feet don’t lie. A person with a calm demeanor may reveal anxiety through excessive foot movements, according to the American Management Association. Look for small “kick-outs,” those mean that a person really wants to flee the scene. Adjust your presentation as necessary.

4. Watch The Palms:

Palms of the hands release an enormous amount of unconscious info. If the client gestures with the palms up, that’s a positive. Palms down have a negative connotation.

5. Lean in:

There’s a reason Facebook CFO Sheryl Sandberg entitled her bestselling book, Lean In. When someone leans in to listen, she’s engaged in what she’s hearing. If your clients lean in, you’ve got their full attention. What aspect of estate planning made them take notice? It’s an issue you’ll want to elaborate on.

6. Minimize Distractions:

Keep distraction to a minimum. That goes for holding a meeting in a quiet, orderly office to using first-rate attorney software–such as Wealth Docx®–to ensure that the entire process integrates smoothly, and that you don’t have to worry about document formatting and the like. It will help you focus on your client, and your client on your terrific work.

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