You Never Get a Second Chance to Make a First Impression: The Art of Small Business Client Intake

Apr 11, 2017 12:41:06 PM


You might make a good first impression when meeting a new small business client, but does the same hold true for your practice? Dressing professionally, appearing confident, making eye contact, a firm handshake – as an attorney, you know how to do that. Clients need more than a surface-level good impression, and digging under the surface with hard work and preparedness assures potential clients your firm has the depth they require.


Learn as much about the client and their business as possible beforehand. While concentrating on the specific concern for which they contacted you, research current developments or trends in their particular niche. Put together a short agenda for the meeting.

Listen to the client. Of course, if they start to ramble, get the meeting back on course, but make sure you fully understand the client’s concerns and what they want done. Let the client know the possible outcomes of any particular situation. Answer any questions in terms the client understands – avoid too much legalese. Ask about goals, and how you might help the client reach them.

Details, Details, Details

Much of making a good first impression falls on the details. If your office has a “casual Friday” dress code, don’t follow it if that’s the first time you are meeting a client. Meet the client in the conference room, rather than your office, for the initial meeting. Not only are you less likely to become distracted by phone calls or office noise, but this gesture shows the client you are truly focused on them. Starting the meeting on time is imperative – unless it’s the client who is late. Offer coffee, tea or bottled water. If you aren’t sure how to pronounce the client’s name, find out ahead of time. If you correctly pronounce the name of a person who always has to explain the pronunciation, you’ve automatically made a good impression.

Impressive Documents

Business Docx® ensures that your documents always make a good first impression. For many clients, clear, easy-to-understand, professional-looking documents are a top priority when it comes to choosing legal representation. When you integrate this business lawyer software into your firm, the documents you create will be consistent and cohesive and reflect well on you and your team immediately. Call us today or visit us online for more information about how our attorney software can add value to your practice.

Topics: Business Law

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