WealthCounsel Staff

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Advanced Estate Planning Spring Summit

By WealthCounsel Staff on Feb 3, 2023 10:00:00 AM


The Virtual Conference for Experienced Estate Planners Returns

Our next Advanced Estate Planning Summit is around the corner! This Summit will address sophisticated estate planning strategies and topics of interest—from trust protectors and charitable tax planning, to grantor retained annuity trust (GRATs) and beneficiary deemed owner trusts (BDOTs). This is your chance to hear from nationally-recognized speakers, earn up to 5 CLE credits, and gain practical insights to use immediately in your practice.

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Is a Client Maintenance Program Right for Your Practice?

By WealthCounsel Staff on Jan 27, 2023 11:15:41 AM


The start of a new year often means setting goals to improve your business and increase your firm’s revenue. There are many ways to reach these goals, such as gaining new clients and adding new services. However, it is important that you not overlook your existing client base as a source of growth. One way to leverage your current client base and provide them with maximum value is to institute a client maintenance program. Establishing such a program can improve your client relationships, allow you to provide better service, and generate consistent revenue for your law practice. Read on to learn about client maintenance programs and how to establish them.

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Strategies for the 2023 Increase in Estate and Gift Tax Exclusion Amounts

By WealthCounsel Staff on Jan 20, 2023 10:00:00 AM

2023 Estate and Gift Tax Exclusion-Blog

Rising inflation has led the US government to increase the estate and gift tax exclusion amounts for 2023. This is a perfect time for estate planning attorneys to talk to their clients about taking advantage of innovative strategies, while keeping an eye on larger changes that are coming at the end of 2025. Keep reading to learn the new amounts and ideas to help your clients. 

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