Considerations for Administering Closely Held Business Assets in Trust

By WealthCounsel Staff on Aug 6, 2021 10:00:00 AM



Trustees face a number of complexities when administering a trust that owns interests in a closely held business. This article focuses on two of those complexities:

(1)  Which standard of care applies to the trustee’s business decisions: the fiduciary or the corporate standard of care?

(2)  What is the trustee’s obligation to produce information about the business to the trust’s beneficiaries?

Because there is no national consensus on either of these issues, this article will first provide an overview of each issue and then review leading cases exemplifying the different approaches taken by courts.

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Advanced Estate Planning Fall Summit

By WealthCounsel Staff on Jul 30, 2021 10:00:00 AM


The Virtual Conference for Experienced Estate Planners Returns

WealthCounsel’s Advanced Estate Planning Summit is returning this fall with some exciting new speakers and sessions that will give you fresh insight for your law practice. Whether you are hoping to stay ahead of the tsunami of proposals coming from the Hill, learn groundbreaking planning strategies for your clients, or gain practical skills regarding document drafting—this Summit has something for everyone.

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Capital Gains and Gifting: Where Are We Now and Where Are We Going?

By WealthCounsel Staff on Jul 23, 2021 10:00:00 AM


With the 2021 federal estate tax exemption amount at $11.7 million for individuals and $23.4 million for couples, many estate planning attorneys have shifted to other financial savings objectives to plan for their clients whose taxable estates fall below these thresholds. Because of this high exemption amount, the federal estate tax has impacted less than 1 percent of the US population, and thus the planning focus has shifted towards reducing income tax liability for clients. More specifically, the focus has been on how to strategically and effectively reduce a client’s capital gains tax liability. Although these strategies may eventually need to change given new proposals by the Biden administration, there are several important rules regarding capital gains taxes that currently apply to gifts made during a client’s life or at death that legal counsel must consider when advising clients. 

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