Maximizing Referrals: 4 Strategic Speaking Tips for Elder Law Attorneys

May 10, 2024 10:00:00 AM


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Potential elder law clients are also clients of accountants, financial planners, healthcare professionals, insurance agents, and even other attorneys. For that reason, other professionals are one of the best sources of good referrals. 

Speaking to referral sources is different from presenting directly to potential clients. You must thoroughly prepare to speak to other professionals because, unlike potential clients, other professionals likely have some background knowledge of elder law. At the same time, you will want potential referral sources to see you as the expert on elder law, so must talk like you are the expert.

1. Do not be afraid to be the expert in the room.

Professional referral sources should view you as an expert in your field. Sometimes, however, accomplished people may believe they already know everything they need to know about a topic. Be sure to provide these other professionals with valuable tidbits of information that will make it clear that you are the expert on your subject. In addition, other professionals are typically interested in learning the details and intricacies of a topic rather than a broad overview that may be more appropriate for the typical listener.  Case summaries and stories from practice can be powerful in these situations. 

While you should be the expert in the room, you should be careful not to talk down to your audience. It is better to answer insightful questions from your audience than to have them tune out because you treat them like kindergarteners.

2. Keep up with current trends and developments that might interest them.

As you choose your speaking topic, educate yourself on any recent developments or trends pertinent to your audience. For example, financial advisors might be interested to know more about the cost of long-term care and how their financial goals can meld with your legal strategies. Eldercare specialists will be interested in information about changes in healthcare laws. 



Demonstrate your value to your referral sources with a free downloadable presentation. Easily customizable, this resource touches on important topics such as tax considerations and Medicaid planning options. 



3. Expect intelligent questions.

You will likely have a brief question-and-answer period after any speaking gig, but when speaking to referral sources, prepare for deep and more complicated questions. Because these professionals will want to interpret how your message affects them and their clients, they will likely ask you more challenging questions than your potential client base. Anticipate the types of questions your specific audience may ask and plan thorough answers. Do not be afraid to say you do not know the answer, but assure them you will get the answer for them.

4. End with a specific call to action.

Leave your audience with a clear call to action. If you do not tell an audience exactly what to do next, they probably will not do anything. With referral sources, they must leave with a clear idea of what types of people are the right people to refer to you. Tell them what to look for and how to contact you. If your referral sources keep sending you divorce or bankruptcy referrals, then your speaking engagement did not do its job of educating your referral sources. Ultimately, you have one goal: your referral sources leave knowing exactly what services you offer, who needs your services, and how the referral source can get in touch with you.

If you follow these tips, you can make the most of speaking to other professionals and grow your client base with your ideal referrals.

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