WealthCounsel Staff

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AI and the Future of Estate Planning: Can ChatGPT Draft a Trust?

By WealthCounsel Staff on Jun 23, 2023 10:01:00 AM

AI and the Future of Estate Planning (1)

Artificial intelligence (AI) has taken a giant leap forward recently, bringing what seemed to be the future into the present. AI programs are already transforming businesses by producing automated responses to customers, marketing materials, emails, and virtual education programs. You may be wondering about the effects of programs like ChatGPT on the estate planning industry. Could your job eventually be replaced by a machine? We put this emerging intelligence to the test to see if an AI program could create an effective trust. Keep reading to see the results of this experiment.

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Current Developments in Estate Planning and Business Law: June 2023

By WealthCounsel Staff on Jun 16, 2023 11:51:31 AM

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From the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals’ ruling holding trustees and beneficiaries liable for unpaid estate taxes to the invalidation on constitutional grounds of a California statute requiring diversity in corporate board membership, we have recently seen significant developments in estate planning and business law. To ensure that you stay abreast of these legal changes, we have highlighted some noteworthy developments and analyzed how they may impact your estate planning and business law practice.

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Marketing Your Legal Services as an Outside General Counsel

By WealthCounsel Staff on May 26, 2023 10:00:00 AM

Outside General Counsel - Blog

A surprising result of the COVID-19 pandemic has been a surge in the formation of new businesses. New entities shop for legal services in the same way that they do for information technology, video production, and digital marketing services: they look for the best fit for the size and scope of their business. Because many small businesses cannot afford to hire a full-time attorney, you can serve as outside general counsel to more than one company and provide the legal assistance they will need to stay afloat. Read on to learn how to gain new clients and share your business law expertise as an outside general counsel.

Topics: Business Law
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