WealthCounsel Staff

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Current Developments in Estate Planning and Business Law: December 2020

By WealthCounsel Staff on Dec 11, 2020 10:00:00 AM

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From changes in the tax assessments of inherited property in California to new Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) guidance regarding the nondeductibility of expenses paid by PPP loans, we have recently seen significant developments in estate planning and business law. To ensure that you stay abreast of these legal changes, we have highlighted some noteworthy developments and analyzed how they may impact your estate planning and business law practice.

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Proposition 19 Passed in California, Modifying Tax Assessments on Inherited Real Property

By WealthCounsel Staff on Dec 9, 2020 1:27:03 PM


Proposition 19, a California ballot measure, modifies Proposition 13 (which limits increases of real property tax to two percent per year unless reassessed due to sale or transfer) and Proposition 58 (which allows property owners to transfer their primary residence to their children at the preferential property tax assessment and up to $1 million of assessed value of other real property, with a later proposition extending the benefit to qualifying grandchildren).

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21 Practice Success Tips for 2021

By WealthCounsel Staff on Dec 4, 2020 10:00:00 AM


  1. Acknowledge and reward your staff. Our legal staff makes us look good. Employees help us stay organized, remember important deadlines, and carry a larger load than we would like to admit. As the year ends, it is always a great idea to acknowledge your employees by giving them a bonus or gift. They will certainly appreciate the acknowledgement of their hard work, particularly in a year like 2020 where many have been juggling increased responsibilities at home. 
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