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Deducting Business Losses

By WealthCounsel Staff on Nov 27, 2020 10:00:00 AM


by Steve Gorin, JD

Deductible business losses can lead to a reduction in—or refund of—income tax. This article will examine the various rules limiting the current deduction of business losses and a 2020 Internal Revenue Service (IRS) memo explaining the effect of these limits on the self-employment tax. In addition, this article discusses the impact of the coronavirus pandemic relief provided by the Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), effective March 27, 2020, which temporarily upended the 2017 tax reform.

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Current Developments in Estate Planning and Business Law: November 2020

By WealthCounsel Staff on Nov 23, 2020 4:33:37 PM

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From the imposition of transferee liability for estate taxes to actions arising from the misclassification of workers, we have seen significant developments in estate planning and business law. To ensure that you stay abreast of these legal changes, we have highlighted a few noteworthy developments and analyzed how they may impact your estate planning and business law practice.

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FAQs about GRATs, Answered

By WealthCounsel Staff on Nov 13, 2020 10:00:00 AM


A grantor retained annuity trust (GRAT) is an advanced estate planning tool used to reduce an individual’s taxable estate by passing assets to trust beneficiaries free of estate and gift tax. However, like any advanced estate planning tool, GRATs can be complicated and must be structured properly to be beneficial. Dive into the following questions and answers to develop a better understanding of how GRATs work and how they may be useful for estate planning clients.

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