The Forgotten Family Member: Advocating for Pet Trusts

By WealthCounsel Staff on Mar 2, 2018 6:26:57 PM


Whether as a friendly companion or a fully-fledged family member, pets have become an intrinsic component to many households. According to the American Pet Products Association, 67% of American families own a pet today. Not only is pet ownership up from 56% in 1988, but Americans are also spending significantly more on their pets. In 2016, the pet industry raked in roughly $66 billion in pet-loving profits, a 74% increase from 2006. An explanation for this spending increase could be because most pet owners﹘about 95%﹘consider their pets to be part of the family.

It’s a wonder then, why the estate planning field often overlooks pets. While pet trusts can claim a small fraction of the pet industry profits, only about 12% of cat and dog owners make financial stipulations for their pets in their estate plans.  This underutilized market has significant business potential for estate planning attorneys and provides an opportunity to serve clients better.

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