As we discussed in our last couple posts, for your more harried clients, books about a better way to think about their role in their business, and timesaving applications that may be a huge boon to their work.
(Hopefully, they'll think of you, fondly, each time they use them.) But still other clients may want a reliable reference–where to go for insights on specific topics as they arise.For them, try
#5: The Warrington College of Business Resources for Entrepreneurs
The University of Florida's Warrington College has put together a curated list of websites, videos, e-learning courses and more – specifically intended for entrepreneurs. The list includes everything from the biggest names in crowdsourcing to sites that have free model business plans to business networking organizations and international entrepreneurship opportunities. They also have links to other major organizations with business e-learning programs such as the Small Business Administration and the American Marketing Association.
Bonus Resource (for You!)
You’ve learned five resources to help business law clients – now let’s focus on you, the attorney. As a trusted business attorney, clients count on you for appropriate legal advice and counsel. You have to be at the top of your game, delivering excellent results. The best resource you can have in your toolbox is Business Docx® by WealthCounsel®.
With this software, you can draft individualized documents that immediately meet a client’s needs. Business Docx lets you prepare high-quality documents for all types of clients in a flash. It provides a state-of-the-art drafting system with customizable features and intuitive interview components. Quickly create client intake forms, mergers, acquisitions, buyouts and general operations documents in just a few easy steps. Plus, gain access to invaluable attorney guides and resources you can use to improve your practice.