One Attorney, Two Hats: Balancing the Practice of Law with Running a Successful Business

Mar 23, 2018 9:50:07 AM

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Every courageous attorney deciding to open their own practice will eventually find they are no longer just an attorney but also a business owner. While this career choice can be as exhilarating as it can be lucrative, it can also feel downright impossible at times. When it comes to wearing more than one hat, solo practitioners may find that they struggle with the constant balancing act of running a small business and practicing law.


Solo practitioners are not just lawyers; they are also business owners. While lawyers in larger firms have the luxury of focusing solely on their cases and clients, solo practitioners must worry about every facet of running a successful practice. From marketing and payroll to client service, solo practitioners must balance business management with delivering quality legal advice.

Staying Current 

As any lawyer will testify, the practice of law is an organic discipline. It is continually evolving as case law sets new precedents, and government enacts legislation. Any lawyer worth their salt knows they must keep abreast of new developments in the field. However, solo practitioners may find that without the support of a larger firm, they must be completely self-reliant.

Limited Resources 

Every business owner knows that limited capability means lost revenue. A solo practitioner must be able to create the legal documents necessary to match the diversity of their prospective clientele if they are to develop their practice to its full potential.

Multiple Legal Tools — One Solution

Time Saved is Money Saved

When it comes to running a small law firm, time is money and time saved is not only money saved, but also potentially earned. Through the melding of document automation and program adaptability, WealthCounsel saves attorneys valuable time; a commodity better spent with their clients or in expanding their businesses.

When it comes to automation: Wealth Docx® is the premier tool for attorneys drafting estate planning documents. Powerful and efficient, Wealth Docx begins with an initial “interview” page. The program uses the answers given to populate the entire document based on the specifics of your client’s case. Intuitive and designed to guide the attorney through each integral aspect of the drafted document, Wealth Docx ensures no vital information gets omitted.

When it comes to adaptability: No two cases are identical, and Wealth Docx is built to navigate the nuances that come with drafting. Every document can tailors to the specific needs of your clients, and clauses can be saved to enable replication across similar cases. 

Staying Competitive

A membership in WealthCounsel means solo practitioners have continuing education and up-to-date legal documents all in one place, replicating the support they would find in a larger firm.

By always being up-to-date and accurate, WealthCounsel delivers superior legal documents.

When it comes to being current: WealthCounsel has a team of dedicated attorneys constantly monitoring legal developments and overseeing estate planning templates. Documents are regularly  reviewed and updated to ensure they reflect current legal precedent and cutting-edge estate planning techniques.

When it comes to accuracy: Attorneys can rest assured that their legal documents are thorough and accurate with Wealth Docx’s pre-proofed legal templates and automated system for entering client details.

When it comes to education: A vital component to any attorney’s career, WealthCounsel offers Continuing Legal Education (CLE) courses on relevant, topical issues with the goal of helping attorneys grow their businesses and meet client needs.

Reaching Your Business' Potential

Whether a longtime solo practitioner or a recent law school grad, every attorney needs access to professional development and comprehensive drafting tools. WealthCounsel membership offers the resources and support attorneys need in one intelligent resource.  

A Variety of Legal Documents  WealthCounsel offers a wide range of estate planning documents to ensure that attorneys can meet individual client needs.

A Diverse Professional Network  WealthCounsel members enjoy interacting with a nationwide network of thousands of estate planning attorneys. By joining a peer group or accessing online forums, members learn, grow, and expand their professional networks.

Crafted with Attorneys in Mind

WealthCounsel was created by attorneys, for attorneys. We aim to deliver a comprehensive solution to drafting estate planning documents efficiently from one intuitive platform.

Wealth Docx enables many solo estate planning attorneys to conduct their practice more proficiently and accurately, giving them the time needed to focus on business development and expanding their practices. With an array of drafting documents available, WealthCounsel members reach a more varied clientele and grow their firm’s revenue. 


Not a member yet? Schedule your own personal demo to see how you can practice more efficiently and accurately with Wealth Docx.

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 ¹Millennials in Adulthood. (2014, March 07). Retrieved March 14, 2018, from

²2015 Cone Communications Millennial CSR Study. (2015). Retrieved March 14, 2018, from

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