3 Ways to Convince a Millennial to Start an Estate Plan

By WealthCounsel Staff on Jun 1, 2018 6:30:00 AM


Millennials are estate plannings’ next major demographic. However, to acquire them as clients, estate planners must overcome several hurdles. The biggest obstacles attorneys face are the misconception that estate planning is only for older/wealthier individuals, and the wariness millennials have of spending money on things they deem unnecessary.

In order to convince millennials they should be financially prioritizing estate planning, it’s important to educate them why an estate plan is not only a worthwhile investment, but that it’s fundamentally necessary for the future well being of their families. Below are some basic talking points for engaging millennials.

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Generation Z: The Next Estate Planning Demographic

By WealthCounsel Staff on May 18, 2018 9:00:00 AM


Generational differences play a big part in the construction of estate planning strategies, as well as how attorneys should communicate the importance of those strategies to potential clients. In regards to younger generations, much has already been said about Millennials. But, quietly emerging into the marketplace is another demographicGeneration Z. If estate planners are going to continue to evolve their practices in terms of marketing their services to potential clients, then learning about this generation is key.

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At a Standstill? 4 Things You Can Do Now to Expand Your Estate Planning Services

By WealthCounsel Staff on Oct 18, 2017 10:00:00 AM

Signing important legal documentsToday’s attorneys face a number of challenges that require a fresh approach to estate planning. Trying to balance the need for time-saving, automated processes while also growing a client base leaves many attorneys stuck in the middle — unsure whether to prioritize productivity or client relationships. There’s good news: you can maximize both efficiency and client satisfaction. You can better tailor estate planning services to your clients and improve practice efficiency by knowing your audience and making use of online tools.

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